Tuesday 22 November 2011

AMD Bulldozer's failure

I have been a huge AMD fan since the days of AMD Athlon 64
Image representing AMD as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase
. Back in those days it demolished Intel's processors. But since the acquisition of ATI, the company has been steadily going downhill. The last breath of fresh air as AMD Phenom II series, which gave some competition to Intel. But since the introduction of Intel's Sandy Bridge series, AMD has failed to catch on. And now, after the introduction of Sandy Bridge-E, AMD is completely out of the game.

Granted, that AMD has better price-to-performance ration, but seriously, that isn't going to help them. They have a brilliant graphics chipset but their processor performance is hampering them. AMD is good when it comes to HTPC & budget rigs but fails to deliver in the hardcore & enthusiast section. I wish that under the new CEO, they take some important steps in delivering performance chips.

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